
About the Author

It seems that I have always been a traveler. When I was 3 years old, I wandered away from my home in the tenements of Glasgow, Scotland. My Dad found me at a busy city crossing and brought me back holding me on the bar of a borrowed bicycle. In my teens I cycled alone from the city through the West Highlands and the English Lake District staying at the Auchengillan Boy Scout Camp and in youth hostels. Later, in my university years, I progressed to hiking and mountain climbing and toured Europe initially by hitching a ride and later on a restored vintage motorcycle; camping, or when needed, sleeping under the bushes in city parks.

A scholarship gave me my first overseas journey to the Copperbelt in Northern Rhodesia, then in transition to Zambia by Independence from Britain. When I graduated, I got a job at an American mining camp in the Peruvian Andes. Two years later, I traveled to Denver, Colorado on a scholarship for graduate studies at the Colorado School of Mines. I've lived in Denver ever since. 

Since my degree was in Extractive Metallurgy I traveled to most U.S. states and to Europe solving mineral extraction and treatment problems. Over time, that morphed into design/build solutions for environmental waste cleanup in Canada, South America, South Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. By the time I retired in 2016 as a Principal Technologist, I had been around the world five times working on all continents, except Antarctica.

I've been taking photographs ever since my Dad bought me a plastic Brownie 127 roll film camera on a family holiday in Dublin, Ireland when I was 11 years old. Though I never turned professional, my camera was my companion and was always with me on my travels, as it still is today.

I can be contacted by email at Please include "Website Inquiry" in the message title. Cell phone contact for urgent messages is 720-235-8703.

All present and future content on this website is Copyright:  ©Alistair Montgomery. Limited use may be granted upon approval.